Schools out for the summer!

Running through my plans for the Cavletter over the next few months...

Schools out for the summer!
Illo: LiuNian via Canva Pro


It's summer. Honest. Okay, so someone needs to tell the UK weather system, but...

The next few months are full of travels both for work (San Diego Comic Con) and holibobs (By jingo, I'm going to sit down and just read books if it kills me!)

Because of all the running around and general schedule-busting shenanigans, the Cavletter will look a bit different in July and August. I'll be taking a break from the usual posts, popping in when I have news to share (and there's lots of lovely news coming from SDCC, have no fear!)

The regular weekly posts packed with advice, answers to your questions and recommendations for brilliant things will be back in September, as will Perfect Sunday (although, in the meantime, there are a year's worth of Perfect Sundays to check out in the archive in case you've missed any!)

And you'll also be able to check in with me on Instagram where I do most of my social media-ering. If you don't have me on your feed, then hit that follow button now!

As always, I cannot thank you enough for subscribing to this newsletter and hope you'll stick with me through the summer break. I'm looking forward to jumping back in with all the regulars in September!

So, until next time, look after yourself and each other and I'll see you soon!

PS: Don't forget, if you want to send questions for me to answer when the regular schedule returns in September, you can use my handy Ask Me Anything form!