Being Creative How to write for an established IP Answering the tricky question of the best way to write for your favourite franchise!
Out now Out in July 2024 Keeve rushes to her master's side while Union Jack rushes toward his destiny
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Alex Hay Committing breakfast sacrilege, avoiding Drag Race spoilers and catching up with Honest Authors.
Being Creative How to survive the online rage-fest! Plus the differences between novels and comics, what to do if you're typecast as a writer and exclusive DC art!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...S.T. Gibson Egg benedict, Calvin & Hobbes and heading back to Bridgerton
Being Creative "I have been... and always shall be... your friend... Plus new DC comics, a brand new interview with Explore the Force and Yoda topping the polls!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Samantha Béart Squirty cream, the comic I call home and the worst people in history.
Being Creative June fan art showcase Plus, Children of the Storm, Temptation of the Force and the infamous High Republic whiteboard!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Gemma Amor Delinquent salmon, winsome heroines and podcast gluttony.
Being Creative A new Star Wars: The Acolyte comic, plus an exclusive clip of Marc Thompson reading my Weird Tales story AND, if that's not enough, I reveal the last month's adventures in storytelling!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Snorri Kristjansson The importance of slathering, Asterix and a Kind of Blue
Out now Out in June 2024 Baron Boolan emerges from the shadows, Ty Yorrick faces the Nameless and Union Jack is under siege
Being Creative Throw that second screen away! Plus Union Jack the Ripper gets a second printing, Ty Yorrick returns, a sneak peek of a future treat and my daughter’s latest play!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Danny Khazem Shakshuka, Robots in Disguise and smooth, funky fun!
Being Creative The Union Jack the Ripper team share their favourite vampire flicks Plus my next Marvel mini-series revealed!
Being Creative Why does bustin' make me feel good? A love letter to Ghostbusters, plus news of a new High Republic comic and Swamp Thing questions in Black Adam: The Heart of Rot.
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Gabby Hutchinson Crouch Melancholy gorgeousness, the Magnus Archives, and hot, vain manic pixie dream boys
News April's adventures in writing Plus, Portsmouth Comic Con news, a new short story announcement and Shadow Service too!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Michael Moreci Fever Pitch, having time as an enemy and the perfect Sunday pastry
Being Creative From my new Weird Tales story: Introducing Brogan and Ash Say hello to the characters from my new Weird Tales story - a disgraced priest and a demon with an agenda! Plus: exclusive Saber For Hire art, con news and the original plans for THR phase 3!
Perfect Sunday A perfect Sunday with...Jackson Lanzing Goatcraft torment, the Spider-verse and podcasts that break the rules