FOC ALERT: Your last chance to pre-order some incredible comics, including Night of the Slashers #4
Plus, a sexy new spy-fi romp and one of the best Judge Dredd stories of recent years!

Hello there!
It's Final Offer Cutoff day for a host of comics. FOC is the last chance for comic shops to adjust their orders before a book goes to print. Pre-orders matter because they tell publishers and retailers how much demand there is for a particular title. So if there's something you don't want to miss, you need to let your friendly neighbourhood comic book store know before FOC hits!
Why am I telling you this? Because after a short delay caused by the Diamond distribution deadline, Night of the Slashers #4 has a new release date – March 26th! The FOC is today, so if you haven't got issue 4 in your pull list then get onto your comic store!

It's always darkest before dawn. Lara and her friends have discovered the truth about the Night of the Slashers, but one final last twist of the knife remains. No one gets out of this one unscathed! Final twist! Final issue! Final girl!
With two covers: cover A by Paul Fry, cover b by Tony Fleecs!
And if you've missed the entire series, don't panic! The Night of the Slashers trade paperback collecting all four issues is hot on the final issue's heels.
The collection with be available in comic stores 23rd April and regular book stores 6th May from Magma Comics. Again, I'd really appreciate it if you get those pre-orders in as soon as you can!

And, of course, it's not just my stuff that is on FOC! I had a chance to read issue one of my pal's Matthew Rosenberg's new spy-fi thriller, We're Taking Everything Down With Us and it is utterly brilliant!

Robots! Superspies! The 13-year-old daughter of the world's greatest mad scientists! If you love Bond, Leon: The Professional and even a bit of Danger: Diabolik, you will have a blast with this. Stefano Landini is the artist and co-creator with Jason Wordie and Roman Titov on colours, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou on letters, and Becca Carey on design. Another reason to talk to your comic book store today!
Here's a nifty trailer:
And if you don't want to wait for pre-orders to come in then here's a book that is out right now!
Judge Dredd: A Better World by Rob Williams, Arthur Wyatt and Henry Flint is being touted as a modern 2000AD classic and it's easy to see why.

Dredd seems to be getting more timely with every passing day, and A Better World feels like it could only be told right now. Pick it up wherever you get your comics or graphic novels. You won't be disappointed!
So, there are a few recommendations from me! Let me know if you pick them up – and also let me know what you're reading in the comments!
Look out for a regular newsletter later in the week, but in the meantime, look after yourself and each other,