Fan Art Friday: Dark Gwenpool edition

Celebrating the creativity of all you wonderful people!

Fan Art Friday: Dark Gwenpool edition

Way back when, I used to share fan art on my blog and – in these days when I'm cutting back on social media – thought it was time I started again here!

And what better than a couple of pieces I've seen showcasing our resurrected Gwen Stacy AKA: Dark Gwenpool, AKA: Something else you'll have to wait until May to find out...

First out of the gate is Jason Jonah Brown with this pow-tastic rendition...

And then comes Matt! with this beauty!

I love the side-eye OG Gwenpool is giving in the background. It's like you've already read the comic, Matt!

Nothing cheers me up more than stumbling upon fan art based on one of my projects. I am forever in awe of the talent out there. You are all so cool!

Of course, one of the drawbacks of cutting back on social media is that I don't see as much fan art knocking about, but my assistant Greg is always on the lookout for me on Instagram and Threads.

If you see any fan art you think I'd love, please, please, PLEASE send me a link, tag me on Bluesky or post a link in the comments! I'd love to see it and maybe feature it here on my blog too!

Look after yourself and each other!