A perfect Sunday with... Marc Guggenheim
Share a treat-filled Sunday with the TV showrunner and comic book writer.

Every week, one of my pals shares how they’d fill their perfect Sunday, sharing their favourite comfort reads, movies, food… anything that would make their weekend great.
This week it’s the turn of Marc Guggenheim, who describes himself as a ‘recovering attorney and writer of stuff’. He’s being modest. A native of Long Island, New York, Marc is an Emmy Award-winning writer and producer of many shows including Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and Trollhunters. He’s written numerous movies, video games and comics including Torrent, Han Solo and Chewbacca and Too Dead to Die: A Simon Cross Thriller. We’ll also be appearing together on the Make Mine Marvel panel at Star Wars Celebration next weekend!
Marc’s perfect Sunday… brunch
Iced latte, preferably vanilla. Something with eggs over easy and bacon.
Marc’s perfect Sunday… read
I’m absolutely loving Jason Aaron’s current run on Punisher. It’s one of those rare books where I genuinely don’t know what’s going to happen from issue to issue. And Jesus Saiz and Paul Azaceta’s art is simply next level.
I’m also enjoying Gabrielle Zevin’s excellent novel, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, about — believe it or not — partnership and video game design in the 1990s. I’m just a few chapters in but am already hooked.
Marc’s perfect Sunday… comic
One of my favorite things is Marvel’s Masterworks series. I love just flipping through and reminding myself how old I am reminiscing.

Marc’s perfect Sunday… movie
Oh gosh. This one’s surprisingly tricky. I don’t really watch “feel-good” movies, but if we define a “comfort movie” as something I just love to curl up and watch, there are a few contenders: The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and — believe it or not — Rocky III, which in my estimation is quite underrated.
Marc’s perfect Sunday… TV binge
Again, at the risk of aging myself, I have to go with the show, Wiseguy. Wiseguy was a one-hour drama that premiered in 1987, created by Stephen J. Cannell and Frank Lupo and showrun (for the first three seasons) by David J. Burke. It was truly ahead of its time, particularly back then, and the actors who cut their teeth on that show are a murders row: Ken Wahl, Jonathan Banks, Kevin Spacey, Ron Silver, Stanley Tucci, Annette Benning, Mariska Hargitay, and many, many more.
And I haven’t watched the third season yet, but Ted Lasso is waiting for me as a perfect Sunday binge.
Marc’s perfect Sunday… podcast
I’ve really been enjoying Bulwark’s Across The Movie Aisle. Each episode features the discussion of one current topic in the entertainment industry and reviews one movie or, recently (because there are, sadly, so few movies) a TV show.
Marc’s perfect Sunday… album
I’m a huge Billy Joel fan and my favorite single album of his is The Nylon Curtain. Though, I suppose for these purposes, live albums would count as well and for my money, there’s no beating Songs In the Attic.
Marc’s perfect Sunday… treat
I often play tennis Sunday mornings, which is always a wonderful excursion and time out in the fresh air. And every Sunday night, my wife and I will get together with two longtime friends of ours, have dinner, and watch an episode of a show we’ve selected to watch together. The most recent show was The Last of Us and we’re looking forward to watching the final season of Succession together.