A perfect Sunday with...Lucas Meyer

Pão de queijo, Rob Liefeld and Ewoks fighting

A perfect Sunday with...Lucas Meyer

Every week, a top writer, artist or creator reveals how they’d fill their perfect Sunday, sharing their favourite comfort reads, movies, food… anything that would make their weekend great.

Today, it’s the turn of Titans comic artist, Lucas Meyer.

Lucas' perfect Sunday… brunch

We don’t really do brunch here, but one of my favourite Brazilian snacks is cheese bread – pão de queijo. I could eat a whole batch alone – ha-ha! A fresh orange juice followed by a nice cup of coffee and I always gotta have something sweet, saving the best for last!

Lucas' perfect Sunday… read

I’ve always been more of a comic book reader than novels. Lately I haven't had much time to read a whole book, so prefer to read comics that I can start and finish in one or two days. But my wife is a bookworm! She recently finished Kenobi by John Jackson Miller and really enjoyed it, so I’ll trust her on this one!

Lucas' perfect Sunday… comic

The last two comic books that I’ve read that I really liked are the 2023 Green Lantern Issues 1-3 by Jeremy Adams and Dark Knights of Steel by Tom Taylor, I really like how Jeremy can mix action and humour in his writing, it’s almost like I’m watching an animated movie, which is funny because he also writes a lot of those!

I’ve been working with Tom for a while now and I’ve been a fan even before. Dark Knights of Steel is a great read. Tom is really good with Elseworlds stories, giving him more freedom to play with the characters and different ideas! But I also have a huge pile of TBR comic books that is always growing because I’m always buying more!

Lucas' perfect Sunday… movie

It’s no secret that I’m a huge Star Wars fan. My house is full of action figures, lightsabers and Star Wars souvenirs! If I had to pick one it would be Return of the Jedi, what could be better than seeing Ewoks fighting the Empire on a Sunday?

Lucas' perfect Sunday... TV binge

I recently watched Fallout, and it really surprised me! I loved the characters and the music, and it was hard not to binge once started.

Lucas' perfect Sunday… podcast

I usually listen to Brazilian podcasts when I’m working, but if I had to choose an English one to recommend, it would be Rob Liefeld’s Robservations because Rob is a great storyteller and explains a lot about behind-the-scenes of the comic book industry.

‎Robservations with Rob Liefeld on Apple Podcasts
‎Arts · 2024

Lucas' perfect Sunday… album

My wife and I like to listen to different albums while we cook and eat, going through a few ones until we get sick and tired of them!

We have a few crazy ones like Bad Lip Reading’s Star Wars parodies, like the amazing hit “Seagulls”, but right now we’re still a bit obsessed with Fallout, so we’re listening to the show’s soundtrack a lot!

Lucas' perfect Sunday… treat

When I have some free time I really like to play video games and get out of my home office a little bit, go to the movies and stop by a bookshop to check the new comic book releases, grab something sweet to eat and a cup of coffee with my wife, while we review our new purchases and gossip.

Titans by Tom Taylor, with art by Lucas Meyer is out now from DC Comics.

The Titans are committed to helping humanity, whether humanity believes in them or not. The team is fighting on several fronts, but they refuse to back down. They refuse to buckle under overwhelming pressure. But are the Titans being manipulated? Are they on the wrong side of a conflict that could consume the world?

Lucas Meyer is a comic book artist that has worked on Titans United Bloodpact with Cavan Scott, Deceased War of Undead Gods, Knight Terrors Punchline and is currently working on Titans with Tom Taylor.

Lucas lives in Brazil, loves comic books, drawing, watching cartoons, TV shows and movies that are mostly based on comics (what a surprise!) and is eternally passionate about Star Wars.

You can follow his work on: