A perfect Sunday with...Danny Khazem
Shakshuka, Robots in Disguise and smooth, funky fun!

Every week, a top writer, artist or creator reveals how they’d fill their perfect Sunday, sharing their favourite comfort reads, movies, food… anything that would make their weekend great.
Today, it’s the turn of my Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt editor, Danny Khazem.
Danny's perfect Sunday… brunch
Either a nice Eggs Benedict or Shakshuka—always need some eggs, preferably poached. With a bevy of beverages: cold brew, grapefruit juice, some seltzer, and maybe a mimosa or bloody Mary if I'm I'm feeling saucy.
Danny's perfect Sunday… read
Often my favourite Sunday read is whatever the most recent Brubaker and Phillips OGN is. The last one I read was Where the Body Was and, as per usual, the story firmly plants you in a time period so seamlessly and gives you a story to remember. I think I hear "night fever" calling my name this weekend...

Danny's perfect Sunday… comic
I can't give enough praise to Daniel Warren Johnson's Transformers. It's beautifully written and drawn (and coloured by Mike Spicer!) and has so much depth for a book about transforming robot aliens. I never had a Transformers phase as a kid, but boy does that book make me want to go back and dive into the original series (and buy some toys!)
Danny's perfect Sunday… movie
My go-to for the past 10 years or so has been Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World–it's a perfect amalgamation of many things I love, including comics, music, video games, manga, etc. and infinitely quotable. And the recent animated series was spectacular.

Danny's perfect Sunday... TV binge
Lately I haven't been going back to rewatch things as much as I used to, but boy is I Think You Should Leave always something I return to.
Danny's perfect Sunday… podcast
I enjoy listening to people talk about craft, especially in fields I'm interested in, so The Lonely Island & Seth Meyers Podcast has been fascinating to listen to them delving into the history of Digital Shorts at Saturday Night Live and the trajectory of their careers. There was a special chemistry during those mid-aughts years of SNL, so to hear what it was like at the beginning is quite the treat.

Danny's perfect Sunday… album
For me, Sundays are often an easy-going vinyl day, so a go-to for me is Tom Misch's Geography. Smooth, fun, and funky.

Danny's perfect Sunday… treat
Honestly? Just bagging and boarding comics. It's a fun, mindless treat. It's very zen.

Union Jack the Ripper: Blood Hunt #1 by Cavan Scott, with art by Kev Walker is out now from Marvel Comics.
UNION JACK PAINTS THE UK RED! As vampires inherit the Earth, one lone man has made it his mission to protect it. But what does Joey Chapman, UNION JACK have up his sleeves? And will it be enough? And WHO will Union Jack have to face to keep Manchester from falling? CAVAN SCOTT and KEV WALKER bring you a UNION JACK story like you've never seen before!
Danny Khazen is an Editor at Marvel Comics, working largely on the Star Wars books including Star Wars: The High Republic.