"I have been... and always shall be... your friend...

Plus new DC comics, a brand new interview with Explore the Force and Yoda topping the polls!

"I have been... and always shall be... your friend...

I'm still up to my neck in my latest WIP so I'm going to throw this week's newsletter over to you, faithful subscribers.

This weekend, I posted this #saturdayselfie on the 'gram:

As I said in the post, I picked up this bobblehead on the day Leonard Nimoy passed away. Captain Spock has always been my Spock; the movies still very much my Trek. On Saturday night, we went as a family to see Search for Spock at the cinema, a movie that I first saw when I was 11 with my Dad. Even then, as a kid, the thing that stood out for me among the explosions and the disgusting slimy creatures was the friendship between Kirk and Spock.

I'm not sure 11-year-old boys are supposed to identify with 50-somethings coming to terms with their mortality and legacy, but, along with Wrath of Khan, Search for Spock made a lasting impression on me. The Captain of the Enterprise and his beloved first officer became the squad goal of my youth. I wanted a friend who would steal a starship for me! I deserved it, for T'Pau's sake!

Writing about friendships and found family is still important to me. It was one of the things I was desperate to get into The Rising Storm, knowing I wouldn't have long to sell Elzar and Stellan's relationship. It's why I love Holmes and Watson. And the Doctor and the Brigadier.

(Yes, I obviously have a thing for aliens / geniuses having their egos pricked by up-tight military men! Everyone has their quirks!)

And it's why I realised I had something in my eye on Saturday night when Spock remembered Admiral Kirk's name.

"Jim. Your name is Jim."

On my Instagram story, I asked folk to reveal their favourite fictional friendships. Here are just some of the responses:

And now I throw it open to you, oh wonderful newsletter subscribers. Which fictional friendship means the most to you? Which makes you cheer... cry... or maybe sometimes both?



I had a great time talking to Jimmy and Jack from Explore the Force. Click below to watch the interview or visit their podcast feed.


As I revealed online yesterday, next week's Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 features a fun little Flash story by me, Travis Mercer, Andrew Dalhouse and Steve Wands.

Run to your local comic book shop on the 25th June to pick up your copy!

Oh, and I also recently announced I have a story coming in this year's Halloween special from DC – I Know What You Did Last Crisis, my second spooky DC book since Batman: 5 Scary Stories for a Dark Knight!

In the blackest night, when the darkness feels infinite, the very fabric of the universe begins to tear…as every major crisis in DCU history rises once again! These eight chilling tales, set during the events of crises past, serve to warn you, dear reader: when in crisis, watch your back. In the fractured world of Flashpoint, Professor Pyg is stalking Gotham City's nightclubs, sniffing out victims! During Blackest Night, Scarecrow lurks outside a movie theater, recruiting new test subjects to perfect his fear toxin! Even heroes like Nightwing aren't safe when his death might just have the power to reverse the damage of Infinite Crisis! All these, plus new stories from Crisis on Infinite EarthsMillenniumZero HourThe Final Night, and Final Crisis are collected in DC's I Know What You Did Last Crisis, a deadly new horror anthology coming to haunt you this fall!

As for which hero I'm writing in which Crisis... well, all will be revealed... but they're on one of those covers!

DC's I Know What You Did Last Crisis is out October 2nd! Get your pre-orders in now!


I posted a few reels on Instagram that have been receiving quite a bit of traction.

If you have seen them yet, go and have a watch and maybe leave a comment.


Screenrant recently ranked the 10 best Yoda stories in comic history and included two of mine, one even reaching the top spot!

Happy I am. Read the rest of the list, you should. Stop talking this way, I shall.



Okay, I lied, but now I will stop giving you my Yoda! Apologies that it's a quick one this week, but the words of my WIP won't edit themselves.

Don't forget to let me know your favourite fictional friendships!

Until next time, look after yourself and each other!